
Plastic Surgery

Oracle Desk





l  Breast Augmentation


There seems to be a lot of women in Korea that are concerned about their small breasts. Women in need of breast augmentation surgery usually have been faced with inadequate development of the breasts resulting unbalanced size of the breasts compared to their bodily stature. Sometimes, degeneration of the breasts after giving birth is another reason.


There are two types of surgical methods applied to augmentation: surgical incision made on the areola or beneath the breasts. The surgical method should be chosen depending on the patient’s condition.


Hospitalization is unnecessary but depending on the situation one day hospitalization may be optional. The surgery takes about one and a half hour.  


Preoperative Counseling


When it comes to breast augmentation surgery, there is always a concern about the size of the breasts. Rather than simply increasing the size of the breasts, well- balanced size that is suitable to the body will bring a natural look. 


A specialist with an aesthetic standard will be aware of the size of the breasts that will be harmonious to your overall body. Therefore, for a satisfying result, a careful consultation is necessary. Then, to find the most effective method, the droopiness of the breasts, the size before the surgery, position of the nipples and more are taken into a consideration.



Preoperative Preparation


Breast augmentation surgery requires anesthesia and must meet general condition after undergoing blood tests, X-ray, EKG and etc 3 weeks prior to the operation day.

Furthermore, the day before the surgery you must not eat anything after midnight.

It is recommended that you take a bath before the surgery and avoid applying any body lotions.

Also wearing comfortable clothes that have openings at the front and on the sides will be quiet convenient for the surgery. 


Breast Augmentation Surgery


Breast augmentation surgery is an enlargement surgery that requires an implantation in which is divided into several incisional methods. 


Axillary Incision

About 2~3cm of incisions are made inside the axilla, and silicone pockets are placed under the pectoralis. There will remain small scars in the armpits, but the sensitivity of the nipples will remain. Also, there is an advantage in which you can remove the implants and still maintain the appearance of the original breasts.


Areola Incision

Areola incision is a method where incision is made around the dark colors of the areola. Silicone is implanted through the openings on the nipple; therefore there will be a temporary numbness to the nipples. However, there is an advantage in which there will remain only small and hardly visible scar. 


Under Breast Incision 

Under breast incision is a method that applies an incision of 3~4cm along the wrinkle lines that act as a boundary between breasts and epigastrium. The surgery is comparatively simple and short. The advantage is that the appearance of the breasts after the surgery is natural, however, has a disadvantage in which the scar is noticeable when laying down.


l  Breast Reduction


Women with abnormally huge breasts are not just concerned about their looks but are concerned about their physical differences. Women with huge breasts struggle to wear clothes and often suffer from neck pain and headache caused by the heavy upper chest weight that pushes the body forward. There may also be uncomfortable on a daily basis through frequent eczema or other dermatitis beneath the breasts. In severe cases, there may be a spine deformation, intense pain due to lack of blood flow during menstrual period, and bending of the collarbones due to pressure from the bra strap that holds the heavy breasts.


Therefore, big or droopy breasts are not only unattractive to the eyes but bring discomfort on a daily basis by developing physical pain to the shoulders and neck and is furthermore a common cause of the chronic fatigue.


Also, young girls on puberty with bigger breasts face inadequate growth or become obese due to lack of exercise. They also experience societal hardships in getting along with others due to their negative personality.


When receiving breast reduction, the patient should expect to have some degree of surgical scars after the surgery because there is no way in making the scar completely invisible.


Breast reduction is a complex surgery that takes about 3~4 hours, comparatively longer than other surgeries.


Preoperative Counseling


The reduction size is subjective, therefore counseling is a must and the surgical method is selective depending on the amount of the breast tissues removed. The surgery needs to proceed after deciding on the method utilized and the size desired.


If the amount of removed breast tissues is minimal the surgery method chosen will leave minimal scars. However, if the amount of breast tissues removed is considerable, the surgery method chosen may leave a greater scarring.


Preoperative Preparation


Breast augmentation surgery requires anesthesia and must meet general condition after undergoing blood tests, X-ray, EKG and etc 3 weeks prior to the operation day.

Furthermore, the day before the surgery you must not eat anything after midnight.

It is recommended that you take a bath before the surgery and avoid applying any body lotions.

Also wearing comfortable clothes, that have openings at the front and on the sides, is quiet convenient for the surgery.


Breast Reduction Surgery Methods


Breast reduction requires removal of breast tissues in order to create ideal breast shape. Various methods of surgery are applied according to the size and shape, location of areola and considering other physical conditions.  


T-shaped Incision


This is a traditional approach in which the breasts are incisioned from the nipples to the bottom breast crease lines in a T-shape. Through this method some attached tissues, fat and skin are removed. Then the nipples are pulled upward and the side skin is stretched outward and sutured in order to create a new set of breasts. This is a successful surgical method that brings a satisfying result. 


O-shaped Incision

O-shaped incision is a method in which skin around the areola is incisioned bringing no visible scarring whilst bringing safety without any side effects. This method is a simple procedure with less bleeding; however, there is a limit when it comes to removing the silicones. 


After the Surgery


You may be released on the day of the surgery or sometimes be hospitalized for one day for further aftercare. You may experience pain and ache 2~3 days after the surgery. In case like this, it is highly recommended that you inform the nurse about the pain and request painkiller instead of enduring the pain. For 3~4days after the surgery, it is best for you not to move your arms aggressively, and after 7~10 days the tape and stitches will be removed. Wearing a bra or taking a bath is allowed around this time. Furthermore, in order to minimize the scarring it is recommended that you leave the tape on and constantly apply the recovery ointment after the stitches have been removed.  


Notifications after the Surgery


For a month after the surgery, avoid any aggressive work-outs and weight training for the arms. At least for 2~3 weeks, your breasts will be very sensitive that it is recommended that you avoid any physical contacts. For couple of months after breast reduction surgery, you must wear a special corrective bra and it takes approximately 1 year until your breasts are fully recovered. The shape of the breasts may alter slightly through aging and gaining of weight. When you gain weight your breasts may enlarge slightly, and as you age your breasts may sag slightly. These processes are normal.


Furthermore, your breasts and nipples may temporarily become numb but the sensation will slowly return over time, therefore there is no need for any concerns. The scarring will also diminish over time; however, if you cannot bear any visible scars, you have the option to receive scar removal surgery. 


Side Effects & Other Complications


Problems with Scarring


In any circumstances breast reduction surgery leaves a surgical scar, however in about 1 year the scar will slowly diminish and lighten leaving you to worry less about the remaining scar. Also, if the scar does not disappear over time, you have the option to receive scar removing surgery.  


Breast Feeding Disorder

Unmarried single women should consider counseling about breast-feeding before the surgery, in order to proceed with the operation without affecting the breasts during the reduction process.


Numbing of the Sensation


There may be temporary loss of sensation in the nipples but the sensation will recover from 6 months to 1 year, therefore there is no need for any concerns. 


Asymmetric Breasts


When the breasts are reduced to an extreme, the breasts may remain asymmetric whether the size of the breasts is uneven or the location of the nipples is unbalanced. However this could be evened out through a reconstructive surgery.


Decision for the corrective surgery could be made 6 months after the surgery.


In average, 20~30% of the breast size is said to be the swelling, therefore much waiting time is necessary.


l  Inverted Nipples


Inverted nipples are estimated to occur to approx. 2% of women worldwide and according to recent documents, Korea happens to have 3% more frequent cases of this occurrence. In many cases you are born with inverted nipples and this is due to lack of supporting organization beneath the nipples and short nipples that pull and prevent the nipples from regularly protruding.


Sometimes, because of the discharge waste stuck in inverted nipples, there may be a case of inflammation and a risk of destruction of relevant organizations.


Furthermore, your inability to breastfeed increases the possibility of breast cancer. One of the symptoms of breast cancer is nipples that are inverted which may affect you psychologically.


Also, many single women often recognize this case when they have children and when is about time for them to breastfeed.


Inverted nipples during pregnancy, childbirth, breast-feeding can be naturally healed over time but if the case is severe you must take surgery into a serious consideration. 




Inverted nipples require detailed counseling about the likelihood of recurrence after the surgery, breast-feeding and scarring problems.


Especially for unmarried women, choosing a surgery method that makes breast-feeding possible, before the marriage is recommended and at the same time it is necessary to review the potential for damage in breast-feeding. 


In the case of a recurrence, reoperation is possible, so you do not have to worry. 


Preparation before the surgery


Inverted nipples require partial anesthesia therefore you must avoid eating 4 hours prior to the surgery. It is recommended that you take a shower before the surgery and make sure you do not apply anything on your body.


You should wear comfortable clothes especially shirts with side openings for the convenience after the surgery.


Surgery Method


It is important to choose a surgery method that does not leave permanent scarring and brings less possibility for the recurrence, depending on the degree of inversion.


Minimal inversion


If the inversion is minimal, a pump-like apparatus that presses the areola around the nipple and pulls the inverted nipples out is used for correction. Also, press the areola around the nipple, as pump depressed to disconnect the apparatus that can be corrected.


However, there are cases where the nipples are naturally corrected through pregnancy, childbirth and breast-feeding.


Severe Inversion


If the inversion of the nipples is severe, you must receive a corrective surgery.


The incision is made around the nipples and the inverted nipples are pulled outward. In order to avoid recurrence, the nipples are sutured.


Recently there has been a surgery where the fibers that pull the nipples inward are cut and sutured, which protects the areola and lessens the possibility of side effects and scarring.




You can return to your daily routine when the stitches are removed 7~10 days after the surgery and you are allowed to shower around this time. For a month you should avoid extreme work-outs and your breasts may be very sensitive that it is important to avoid physical touching of the surgery area for approx. 2~3 weeks. 




There are no serious side effects but in some cases you may not be able to breast feed or there may be a possibility of recurrence after the surgery. However, if there is a recurrence, reoperation is available so you should not be so concerned. There may be a temporary numbness to your breasts and nipples, but this will be returned over time. 


Possible Side Effects


Although it is not frequent, there is a possibility of rare side effects after inverted nipples corrective surgery. In the case of side effects, it is important to find the right method for reoperation through counseling with the specialist. 


Problems of Scarring


Inverted nipple surgery may leave a scar. People with Keloid should consult about scarring prior to the surgery with a professional.  


Breast-feeding disorder


It is important to consult about breast-feeding with a specialist before surgery if you are an unmarried woman.


Decreased sensitivity on the nipples


The temporary numbness and decrease of sensibility to the nipples may occur but vary depending on the patient.  




If the inversion is severe there may be a possibility to recurrence after the surgery. However, reoperation is possible; therefore you should not be concerned. 


l  Nipple Reduction


The case of large nipples compared to the size of the breasts is not common for Asian women; however the case cannot be ignored.

Such case is known as asymmetric nipples, and not only does this abnormality look unappealing to the eyes but can be problematic when breast-feeding.  Therefore a corrective surgery is highly recommended.

Average Asian women’s areola is about 3.5 ± 0.5cm in diameter and average diameter of the nipple is about 1 ± 0.5cm.

Keeping this fact as a reference, nipple reduction surgery balances its overall form by reducing the size of the nipples. 

Nipple reduction surgery is a simple corrective surgery that hardly leaves any post surgical scars.


Pre-surgery Counseling


Nipple reduction surgery requires a counseling underlying problems regarding breast-feeding and scarring after the surgery.

Especially unmarried women should choose safe surgical method that may not be problematic to breast feeding.


Preparation Before Surgery


Breast reduction surgery requires partial anesthesia, therefore it is important to avoid food intake 4 hours before the surgery.


It is wise to shower before the surgery and not apply anything on the body after the shower.


It is convenient to wear comfortable clothes, especially shirts with side openings on the day of the surgery.  


Surgery Methods


It is wise to choose a surgical method that may not leave scarring or affect breast-feeding depending on the extent of the reduction. 


Maintaining the Possibility of Breast-feeding


To maintain the possibility of breast-feeding, the nipple tissue needs to be incisioned in a shape of a fan and sutured while leaving the wire tissue untouched.  This will hardly leave any scars and side effects after the surgery.


Removing the Possibility of Breast-feeding


If breast-feeding is not necessary, areola tissues and nipples are incisioned in an adequate size and sutured.


After the Surgery


Nipple reduction surgery requires partial anesthesia and does not require hospitalization after the surgery.

The patient is allowed to return to their daily routine when the stitches are removed and you are allowed to shower around this time.

For a month after the surgery, extreme workout is not recommended.

Additionally your breasts are very sensitive for 2~3 weeks after the surgery, therefore it is recommended that you avoid any physical contact during this time frame.  


Important Notice


There are no serious side effects but sometimes there may be a case where you cannot breast-feed after the surgery. 


Side Effects and Other Diseases


In the case of nipple reduction surgery, it is not very frequent that you are faced with side effects but if such side effect rises you must consult with the specialist for recovery options.


Scarring Problems


There may be scarring after the surgery, but the scar is miniscule around the areola that it is hardly noticeable. If the patient suffers from Keloid, it is important to consult with the surgeon about severity of scarring.


Breast-feeding Problems


Unmarried women must consult with the doctor about breast-feeding before the surgery. It is important to further consult about optional surgery methods that will not harm the areola making breast -feeding possible.


Numbness around the Nipples


There may be temporary loss of sensation around the nipples.


   Before & After

