

Oracle Desk




   What is acne?

ACNE is often called the "symbol of youth" since you often get it during puberty. Despite its symbol Men and women who encounter stress on a daily basis, at the age of 30~40, also experience acne.

Acne is a skin condition that occurs due to the over production of oil by the oil glands of the skin. The oil that normally lubricates the skin gets trapped in blocked oil ducts, which results in what we know as pimples, blackheads, and white heads on the surface of skin.


Mild acne may be a temporary concern, but in severe cases, acne scar can leave a permanent mark, therefore it is important to treat it at its early stage.


-      Causes of acne

1. Cases that produce more sebum

- Constitution factors

- Overwork and stress

- Menstruation and pregnancy

2. Causes of blocking pores

- Make-up

- Ultraviolet rays

- Keratin

3. Other Factors

- Medicinal factors 

- Environmental factors (metal, machine, wax, etc.)






      1. Scaling


Diminishes the pigmentation of acne scar whilst preventing from its ongoing acne growth.

For about one week after the treatment, it is recommended that you avoid sauna and any form of scrubbing. It is also preferred that you wear suncream to protect the sensitive treated area  from strong UV ray. 

Depending on the type of scaling, you may also experience dry crust on the treated spots, however, this will disappear in couple of days.


      2. PDT Treatment

   PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) is impregnated in the desired areas of ray absorption to destroy specifically targeted areas through its wavelength. At dermatology clinics, it is used to treat skin cancer, warts, psoriasis, and recently has been used to treat acne.


  • The Advantage of PDT Treatment for Acne

      The advantage is that  it avoids recurrence of acne, and it is suitable for women at their childbearing stage who can not take any medications.


  •  PDT Procedure Preparation

1) It is recommended that you prepare tretinoin cream for your skin weeks before the treatment.

2) It is recommended that you apply PDT (rebyulra, etc) for 1 hour to the areas undergoing the treatment after face wash, the day before the treatment. 

3) Although you may experience tingling feeling during the treatment, in most cases the procedure does not require anesthesia.

4) Observe the areas to be treated with light.

5) The treatment may require a follow-up 3-4 times at interval of 2-4 weeks. 



   Before & After

