Building links doesn't also have to be so stressful. Many websites tell you that they can boost your links by 1,000 over-night if you spend $39.99! I'm here to tell you, it's not the volume, it is the quality.

Although quality does help, it's difficult to decide what is quality and what's not. The first comes first, reciprocal links are not all that great, so do not spend hours upon hours of sending hopeless spam e-mails to web sites who, if you'd good material, would connect to you free of charge.

The best way to achieve links quickly is post distribution. One article, if well written and of top quality, could generate 10-15 links. Think about the options! Produce one post a day for a week and you may end up getting 100 links. And that's, 10-0 non-reciprocal links.

Why are non-reciprocal links so important?

Well, I will let you know. Search engines, including Google and Yahoo!, are actually rising mutual links for less. There's also speculation of the new upgrade that Yahoo! is penalizing web sites which have links pages.

Even if this weren't the case, non-reciprocal links are far more important for one reason, guests. Readers don't like to see websites with worthless links to internet sites they do not want. If you're in entertainment (besides the clear, but you get the point) why have an url to a travel internet site? Even if you do have a mutual link to some site which can be your competitor visitors may be lost by you by providing a greater link popularity to them. Going To linkemperor perhaps provides suggestions you can give to your friend.

Should I maybe not connect to anyone then?

No. In-fact, you need to connect to as many authoritative sites as possible (authoritative sites are sites which are rated 1 or 2 through your genre).

Links have become important on every site. Do not just present them, choose carefully. Connect to respected sites with great content you know these potential customers can recognize. If you are interested in reading, you will certainly require to check up about the best. Just ask yourself, 'When the links aren't for the visitors use, what use are then they'?

So, I've done the entire report submission issue, what different ways can I get link reputation?

Websites and good content. Content is king and is now more-so using the evolution of Search Engines. We learned about link emporer by searching Google. When a site owner finds an article useful she or he usually places a link to it, even when it's only a website, it's still a link. But whatever you do, don't do the silly thing and spam websites, that can just get you banned.

Websites are also a major part. If you're able to write an information and have an editor in your area at, send it and forget it. Either you will get in or you'll not. Try becoming one, If there is no editor. It'll only take a few hours of your time, just do not get too optimistic.

When you can not get in DMOZ, don't worry, there are plenty of other of use directories out there. A lot of FREE websites. Do not spend $10-$20 over a index submission unless you know they are worth it and may generate quality traffic. Google and others are beginning to break down o-n directories who require a price so that you can get listed..